
How It Works

RecordLinker is a pluggable Data Normalization solution that uses advanced Machine Learning. We focus on solving one problem – matching disparate records across systems – and we do it really, really well.

  • Upload Your Golden Records

    • For each Domain (types of reference data such as Companies, People, Coverages, Car Makes etc), send us the Golden set of records from your Core System. You can upload your canonical records as an Excel file or send and sync them via API.
  • Upload What You Need to Standardize

    • You can upload data via Excel or API.
    • RecordLinker recognizes various file formats automatically. It is preconfigured to understand various report excel files from your core system (Production Report, Book Of Business Report, Companies List etc.) or you can manually instruct it which columns to load.
  • Enjoy ML‑Based Auto‑Mapping

    • RecordLinker will map your input data with up to 90% accuracy. Mappings that pass our Machine Learning confidence threshold get auto-mapped, saving hundreds of hours of VLOOKUPs and repetitive manual work.
    • Our ML will suggest possible mappings based on our models trained on a large set of previous mappings. You may always use manual search or check your open industry data sources like AM Best tree directly in our tool to speed up the investigative part of your job.
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